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Ground Status

Ground is CLOSED due to ground to wet.

Our ground will be open for training throughout the week and game days until further notice.

Call - Mark Flood 0417 649 087 or

Cameron Montague 0466 156 938 for updates


Working Bee

Working Bee is being planned in the coming weeks to get the ground playable again for Winter Season. 


Remember many hands make light work and everyone is welcomed for a sausage BBQ afterwoods and cold drinks!! 

Standby for further updates in the coming week. 

In The News

What’s Happening


Junior / Senior Season 2022/23 Starting Soon

There are some exciting changes for the upcoming season, with more details to come when finalised by the GCBA, but the main thing to remember is any changes that have been  made will only help grow our great game. 

Firstly the Queensland Government’s Get Started Vouchers program is now open for applications. Get Started Vouchers can help you save up to $150 on sport and active recreation membership fees for each eligible child. 

For more information go to:  


Expressions of Interest

We are also currently looking for coaches, scorers and umpires for the new season if you wish to get involved more in the game feel free to fill out the form below. Expressions of Interest will be open in the coming weeks for the Junior / Season Summer Season 2022/23.

Lastly in this email our Come & Try and Registration days are coming up we are kicking off Sunday the 21st of August from 9-12 continuing every Sunday until the 25/09. So come on down we will have some coaches down there so bring your kids down and they can do some hitting and fielding in preparation for the new season, feel free to invite friends and family as we are recruiting all age groups (ages 4-19) and anyone who wants to come down and give baseball a go is more than welcome to do so. 

If you have any questions email Cameron Montague at

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